
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Black Apple Doll

I made this little cutie for the daughter of a friend for her 1st birthday.  This was before I painted her eyes and mouth with black fabric paint though.  She's a little bowling pin-headed, so next time I will add some girth to the neck area.  But all-in-all I would say she was a success!  I wasn't sure about how thrilled a one year old would be about a doll (is 1 too early to play with dolls??) - but she loves it!  Winner!


  1. LOVE IT! Absolutely adorable! I think this is probably on your niece's Christmas list ;)

    - Sarah

  2. I love your site! Quilts with matching dolls - how cute is that! I will be checking "Down to Sew" often so keep sending the updates. Gee, am I going to have to move my sewing to the basement too??
    - Mom

  3. did you have a pattern for this or did you just freewheel it?

  4. OK. perhaps I should be a bit more detailed. I came across someone's blog (I cant remember whos, but LOTS of folks have made and posted about them.) and found the video of Emily from Inside A Black Apple on Martha Stuart showing how to make one.


    I HAD to make one. I just noticed that there actually is a template for all the pieces on that link, but i just made up my own. You can make lots of cute accessories, but I knew mine would pretty much be a super cute chew toy-so i kept her very simple.
