
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Scrappy Baby Quilt

This baby quilt was inspired by Crazy Mom Quilts Color Wheel Quilt.  I have lots of scraps that I can never seem to get rid of--they just keep multiplying!  So when I saw Amandajean's post, I thought this was a great way to use them up.  I love using scraps, but sometimes scrappy quilts can look a bit chaotic with a bajillion different colors, patterns, even textures.  This way, it is still very much scrappy, but dosent look like a huge pile of confetti.   Gee, sort them by color...what a genious concept!!  Now I keep a stock pile of different colored blocks on hand to whip up a baby quilt in a jiff. 

Here's how to make it:

1. Sort scraps by color.
2. (The fun part) Sew pieces together randomly until you get a big enough block.  Mine measure 10" square, 9.5" finished. 
3. Square up your blocks.  Any sizable trimmings can go back into your scrap pile to make another block!
4. Sew on sashing.  I think I cut mine 2 or 2.5 inches, I cant remember.
5. Quilt it
6. Bind it.
7. Take a picture of it.  I try to keep a photo album of all the quilts I make.  Although, I sometimes forget to snap a picture before I give it away. 
8. Give it to a baby.

There you have it--My very first tutorial!  Details Schmetails.

I quilted a different design in each block....except for 1 repeat.  Can you find it?


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! Doesn't sorting fabrics by color help keep things nice and orderly without being boring? It's one of my favorite quilting tricks ever. :)

    I love using this as a baby quilt design. It's just perfect.

  2. very cute, I love using up scraps! :)

  3. I found your comment about doing the 10x10 squares as an ongoing project on crazy mom quilts...what a fantastic idea! I am a new quilter! As an avid scrapbooker for years, one of my fave sayings is 'when is a scrap really a scrap'...well, this quilt proves the answer is NEVER! Thank you for such a beautiful example!
