
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Constructive Criticism

This is my entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival

I bought a jelly roll of Kaffe Fassett fabrics and then had a hard time figuring out what to do with it.  Flipping through a Connecting Threads catalog I came across this pattern called Sweet Nothings.  I was going to order the pattern when Mom says "Oh, You can just figure it out and make your own pattern".  yeah, what kind of quilter am I when I cant even make my own pattern?!  So I drew it out and made this.  There were 50 different fabric strips and each strip made 2 blocks.  There was 1 duplicate block that was extra.  I quilted swirls all over and stayed up late sewing the binding on so that I could enter it into the county fair.  I stayed to hear the judges comments, which was... humbling.  She could tell that I did the binding in a hurry because my corners were not very crisp and neat.  But i did manage to get a blue ribbon!  And I made a point to learn how to make better binding corners from then on.  :)


  1. I like your quilt a lot. You were very brave to enter it in a competition. Kudos to you !!! Quilting is about a whole lot more than perfection and technique. It is about heart .... Hugs.

  2. I rec'd your response but it had "no reply" on it, did you know that? Anyhow, no I did not lay it ALL out first I did go row by row so that the colors would not be too haphazard. It was easy sewing, but hard deciding what fabric went next.

  3. Great quilt, love the pattern and the colors.

  4. Great job! I haven't tried to figure out my own pattern, unless you count a D9P, but that doesn't really count!
