
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dresden Trial Run

This weekend I borrowed Mom's dresden plate template for a certain MMM project I have in mind.   I used some of the ugliest fabric I own on a test run. 

Not too shabby.  That is if you like goose and apple fabric from the 80's. :)

And this is a sneak peek at my project.  I'm pretty sure my secret partner will love it!  Because I'm such a good stalker and all ;)


  1. I still have goose fabric if you need any more! What are we going to do when we run out? It's our signature fabric! I doubt if that ever happens - it seems to multiply in my stash.
    ~ mom

  2. So I think I see a seam in one of your blades. Are you crazy?! :)A scrappy Dresden? Your partner should be very glad she got you. A Dresden is on my to-do list.
