
Monday, July 11, 2011

A finish!

I actually finished a quilt! A few of you may remember this post when I started this quilt waay back in November.   The top has been done and waiting to be quilted ever since.  Naturally any of my quilts get put at the very bottom of the work list while I work on quilting other people's quilts. 

But I decided to enter a couple things in the County Fair this year, so I whipped it out and quilted some more feathers on it.  That's our raggedy old farm cat we call "Kitty". 
Get off my quilt Kitty!!!

And for the back I used some vintage fabric my sister gave me.  I love it!  She bought it at a fabric garage sale.  A fabric garage sale is what you do when you accumulate sooo much fabric over your lifetime that it takes up an entire garage and you finally realize that there is no way in heck you are going to be able to use it all up.  Then you sell it all really cheap over a weekend to more fabri-holics.

Linking up to Megan's Sew Modern Monday--Check it out!! 


  1. This is so pretty! I really love the quilting, too!

  2. I love, love, love that quilt! LOVE it! Did I mention that I love it? I love it...

  3. I do like the loose and fluffy feathers pattern.

  4. That is really neat! I love how the squares go through the 'border'.
