
Friday, September 9, 2011

A special announcement and a new project!

This is my latest sewing project that I am pretty excited about.  But first of all- I think it could be time to announce an exciting development that I have been reluctant to post about.  And that would be that my husband and I are expecting our first child in January!!  We are very excited!  And it's a boy which we are very happy about-especially the hubs.  YAY!  So instead of sewing and quilting, I've been napping and reading up on pregnancy, birthing, newborn care, and baby names.  I have found that there is a lot to learn!

So now, of course, I needed to start in on a baby quilt.  In the July/August '11 issue of Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting magazine an alphabet quilt was featured in the "This Old Quilt" section.  Hmm, that's a neat idea I thought, an alphabet quilt!  I Googled alphabet quilt images and found THIS.  Go ahead and look at it.  It is awesome!  Loooooove it!!

The original wonky letters blogger wrote a book about them, which looks very cool,  but I decided to just wing it and see what happens.  I printed out my inspiration picture to help me mentally break down each letter and figure out what letter parts need to be sewn first.  I started out with the "I" and worked my way up to the "W".  So far the "W" has been the trickiest for me.

The only rule I have is that each letter is 4.5 inches tall.  I am going to have 3 orange letters.  Why 3? Because isn't that how designers create interest-by using groups of odd numbers??  I couldn't decide on just 1 orange fabric, and 5 would just be too many, so I used 3.  And orange because it contrasts nicely with the rest of the letters in blues (opposites on the color wheel) and greens.   See- I was paying attention in art class!  And orange also because it's a boy color.  (There is such a thing as boy and girl colors you know. At least that's what I thought when I was 6!)  

This will become a wall hanging for the baby's room, which is currently painted in pink and lavender with a princess ballerina border from the previous homeowners...  That will have to change soon. 

Wow, this is a pretty wordy post-for me.  Anyway, that's what I've REALLY been up to this summer!


  1. Wow! Jenny! Congratulations! .. big time love from me xx

  2. Congratulations! We are expecting our first too (also a boy) on January 1, and I'm just now finally feeling like I have any energy to do much creatively! A bit of crochet, and a few quilting plans, I wish I had the skills to try that fabulous alphabet quilt! Best of luck!

  3. super cute - what are you going to do instead of the tulips? Will it be a surprise?!?!?

  4. Wonky letters is so "Jenny"! What fun it will be to create the rest of the alphabet! Can't wait until January when we can meet little baby "Schech".
    ~ mom
