
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Another Embroidered Quilt

I am managing to get in some longarming time- a little each day during naptimes and Daddy-time.
Here's my latest quilting finish.  This quilt was pieced by Carol and hand embroidered by her husband!  The hand work helps with his arthritis- he does a really nice job!

Some custom work in each block.  I outlined the embroidery and added a few more flowers.


  1. Lovely quilting, Jenny! Glad you are "back in the saddle" again and feeling much better. It's good to take a break once in a while, even from hobbies you love to do.
    ~ mom

  2. I know it has been a long time since you posted this, but... I am making similar quilt blocks and am wondering if there's anything special that was done to remove the quilting lines that are printed onto them. Would you let me know? I want to change the quilting pattern on mine, but if the lines aren't going to come out, then, I can't! Thanks!
