
Friday, April 27, 2012

I've Been Tagged!

Karen of Where Is My Seamripper tagged me in her post!  Karen always has a few neat sewing projects going on- some of which I have had the privilege of quilting for her.  So as part of being tagged, I have to answer a few questions.  Here is your chance to get to know me a little bit better.  Here goes!

Where is one place in the world you haven't yet visited, but would like to?
Some tropical island south of the equator.  Someplace like Jamaica or Figi.

What's your favorite quiltmaking gadget?
I'm going to have to say my rotary cutter.  You just cant do without it!

How often do you oil your sewing machine?
I actually have never oiled my sewing machine!  I looked in the manual and there is nothing in there about oiling it or where to oil it.  I'd say it needs dusting more anyways!  I rarely do much sewing myself lately.  My longarm quilting keeps me pretty busy.  My longarm (a Nolting Fun Quilter) does get oiled regularly though.  I'd say about every 8-10 hours of use. 

What's your favorite perfume?
I'm not a big perfume wearer.  I will admit that I have been working on the same bottle of perfume and body splash for close to 10 years!  But I do like Moonlight Path from Bath and Body Works.  They probably discontinued that scent long ago-I have no idea :)

Machine-piecing/applique or hand-piecing/applique?
Machine.  Although I have been working on a English paper piecing hexagon project for a while.  I'm pretty slow when it comes to hand sewing projects. 

What's your favorite dessert?
Ice cream.  Especially kinds with gooey chocolate!

Who's your favorite author?
Honestly, I am not an avid book reader.  Although I have jumped on the Harry Potter and Twilight bandwagon.  (who hasn't)  I LIKE reading books, but I guess I have a hard time justifying sitting down and reading a good book when I should be doing other things.  Like quilting, cooking, laundry, consoling my crying baby... :)  Although I did just finish reading The Sacred Acre.  It's about the Aplington-Parkersburg high school football coach who was tragically shot and killed a few years ago after Parkersburg, Iowa was nearly wiped out by a tornado.  Perhaps you had heard about it in the news.  Anyways, it is a pretty inspiring story. 

What quilting technique would you like to learn more about?
I haven't quite figured out how to use rulers with my longarm.  One of these days...

What dish do you cook/bake that is considered your best?
Home-made pizza.  and yes, I make the crust from scratch.

Machine-sewn binding or hand-sewn binding?
hand sewn all the way!

If you took on a new hobby, what would it be?
canning.  I want to try to make homemade salsa this summer!  We are going to have a big garden this year.  We already have onions, potatoes, carrots and lettuce in the ground.  And I have several other things started and under grow lights: tomatoes, green peppers, basil, parsley, and a few flowers.  I don't think I've mentioned this before but I have a B.S. in Horticulture.  So yeah, I like plants! :)

Do you have a hard time gifting quilts?
Not really-but I normally only make them for close friends or family for major life events: weddings, birth of a child, graduations.  Some of my favorite quilts I've made/helped in making have been given to someone else.  Like this one.  Or this one.  So I be sure to take pictures of them before they are gifted!

Raw Edge or Needleturn Applique?
raw edge.

What colour continually shows up in your quilts, but you deny 'liking' it?

Favourite band from the '90s?  Tiffany, Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul.  And Shania Twain.

And now I get to "tag" someone else!  I am tagging Jenny from Jenny's Doodling Needle.  Her quilting is so inspiring to me.  She also has another blog: Sew Kind of Wonderful where she shares her own amazing quilting projects.  AND she created her own curved ruler!  She has made some pretty awesome blocks with it that you should check out. 

Whew--I DID it Karen! 

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