
Monday, June 4, 2012

2 of my World-Famous-Scrappy-Color-Block-Baby-Quilts

Soo back in February my cousin had twins.  A boy and a girl!  A week before I was going to see them at a family gathering, I decided I'd better make them my world famous scrappy color block baby quilts.  Me? A procrastinator??  Maybe just a little bit.  :)

(think we could use a good rain? The whole state of Iowa could use a nice soak!)

I think maybe scrappy doesn't quite describe these blocks.  They are more like fragments of fabric.  Tiny pieces that you can't hardly do anything with.  I'm pretty sure that making a "real" block would be much quicker to sew.  A 9-patch or Ohio Star or something.  But that would just leave me with more little scraps!

Love this pink and yellow combo. 


I can just sit here at look at these fabric fragments all day.  I see 3 that I made dresses out of back in my 4-H days.  One my mom made me a dress from when I was really little.  Some I've inherited from my sister, my MIL, and my Mom's stash.  Some I received in my scrap bundle from Sew Fresh Fabrics.  Some are leftovers from some of my more recent projects... 

Anyway- Welcome to the world little baby twins!  Linking up to Megan's Sew Modern Monday


  1. These are beautiful Jenny! I think "Fragments" is a great name for these, and I love that there are little memories hidden in them for you. I love the yellow and pink combo, too :)

  2. scrappy blocks like this are one of my favorites...these are amazing little quilts

  3. I really like the pink one! I just love using up scraps!

  4. I LOVE THESE! I'm one of those people that thinks scraps are the jewels of the sewing world - and these gorgeous quilts are a perfect example of that :) And you're right - regular blocks can be quicker to sew than these - but these have more presence and spirit :D Your cousin's babies are very lucky to have you to sew for them :)

  5. My, you have been busy! Love your quilts and the pink cancer one. Keep that pattern in mind - we might need it someday! ;)
    ~ mom

  6. My you've been busy! Love your quilts & quilting. Keep the pattern for the pink cancer quilt in mind ~ we may need it someday! ;)
    ~ mom

  7. I also love using up my scraps it takes time ,but it helps tidy up.

  8. Hi, I'm your newest follower. I found your blog after one of my followers sent me the link to your blog. Se was making a quilt like this one. I started making one like this months ago but it's still unfinished. Yours is beautiful as are all your creations. So glad I found your blog.
