
Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall Double Dresden Delight- Table runner style

OK.  This is probably the worst before and after photos ever.  Because it looks exactly the same.  But what I did after I quilted and bound this table runner was tea-dyed it!  Yes, I had another adventure in tea-dying.   

I made this table runner for my Mom's birthday.  She loves fall and fall colors and she hosts numerous Thanksgivings, so this will get a lot of use.  My random assortment of "fall" colors from my stash didn't quite mesh together; some were light, some were pretty vibrant, so I thought when it was all done, a tea bath would bring it all together.  I don't have any close-up photos of it before, but there is some difference, especially in the lighter pieces. 

Oh!  And I got the idea for the Double Dresden Delight from Amy!  Her post here led me to the tutorial.   To sum it up in a nutshell you sew the insides just like you do the outside points.  No center circle applique needed!  Although I will say that pressing and turning all those points got to be pretty tedious.  Not difficult though :) 


  1. I'm crazy about Dresden's and love yours those colours are stunning. I too have just posted four Dresden table toppers to my blog. Thanks for the link to the tutorial. I must give it a try.

  2. perfect colors for fall. lovely.

  3. This is so pretty! I love these cheerful dresdens. It makes me excited for fall :-D Thanks for sharing.
