
Monday, January 7, 2013

A few handmade Christmas gifts

We finally got our last Christmas in this past weekend!  As well as a first Birthday party for a certain special little guy.  It was quite a busy and very fun day... 
Anyway here is some of the stuff I made as Christmas gifts...
I made about 5 of these flowers for the females on my gift list.  These were pretty fun to make!  I followed this tutorial.  The goal was to use stuff I already had.  I didn't have embroidery floss like they had in the tutorial, but I did have beads and floral wire!  I just did a little zig-zag in the centers with my sewing machine and then hand sewed the beaded wire flowers down.  I did buy a pack of assorted metal pin backs, clips, and bobby pins that I sewed onto the backs as well. 
More beads!  These beads were all leftover from my wedding DIY stash.  I had bought a veil from Hobby Lobby and hand sewed beads all along the edges.  It had 2 layers and it took me forever!  (Now I know why beaded veils are so expensive to buy!)  Anyway, these were easy to do as well.  Just string a bunch of beads onto a wire and then give it 1-2-3 twists at each point.  I used floral wire, but I would recommend a thicker gauge wire because they are pretty flimsy.  I used these to decorate the outside of my wrapped gifts.  They would make good tree ornaments too.
And here's a pillow I quilted up.  While I was making this table runner, I used some Christmas scraps to help figure out the size of dresdens I wanted.  And here they are now on a pillow.  I knew they would come in handy someday!
This is the back, and before hand stitching it closed. 
Stay tuned for more of my handmade gifts! 
(I've been busy!)

1 comment:

  1. The flowers and beaded snowflakes are even more awesome in real life! Thanks, Jenny!
