
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

QCR QAL: Blocks are all done!

Here are the last two blocks of the QCR QAL: #11-Drunkards Path and #12-Spools.  These are my scrappy versions.

And here are my official versions.  I was worried that I wouldn't have enough fabric for the last block.  So when I saw how scrappy the spools were, I had to chuckle.  I could make that work easy-peasy.

Taa Daa!  Here are all the blocks together!  I just laid them out in the order they were made-from what I could remember without looking it up.  I love it!

And the scrappy version.  I'm happy with this version too.  I'm glad that I decided to make two versions as I did make a few adjustments here and there before doing the "real" blocks.  And now I have another quilt!  A couple of my most favorite blocks would have to be the log cabin and the star (the #10 one).  But I do like them all!  

Now-the hard part- how to put all these pretty blocks together??  Jenny made up a really neat curved border to put around each block.  But I don't have enough fabric left to do that with my official version.  So maybe the scrappy version??  mmmm.  maybe not...  I guess I could actually BUY some fabric to do it, but I'm not sure what I'll do.  What I will probably end up doing is stashing my blocks away and wait to get some inspiration from everyone else in the Flickr group.  :)  

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!


  1. I really do love these blocks. I like the official version the best.
    Would straight sashing look to 'harsh' against all the curves or would it be a nice contrast? Solid sashing?

  2. Both these quilts are great. I am in love with sampler quilts and these are a fabulous example of why.

  3. Really beautiful! Love it when things work out!

  4. love your official blocks! Maybe we can pow wow sometime on how to tie them together
