
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Karen's Recipe Cards Quilt

Karen had me quilt this neat Recipe Cards quilt.  She had a concept to make the green part look like grass.  Hmm, I think I can do that!

So here's the grassy part.

For the cards I made each fabric a different texture- pebbles, horizontal lines, and swirls.  

Karen tells me that she plans to enter this into the Iowa State Fair in their new Modern Quilts category.  I'm very excited to check out this new category and see her quilt in person.  Again.  There is always a lot of really great quilts to see at the State Fair and always look forward to the exhibit.  
Thanks for letting me quilt your awesome quilt Karen!


  1. It didn't win, but I LOVE it and that's all that matters. My friend who went with me tonight straight off said the quilting was really cool. Thanks for the great job you did.

  2. I love your quilt too, Karen! I'll have to check it out (and Jenny's quilting) at the State Fair on Monday when we go.
    ~Jenny's mom
