
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Quilt For Teresa

This quilt has a bit of a story behind it.  It was made by my Mom, sister and me for our friend Teresa.  You see, she willingly hosts all of us for sewing weekends and feeds us too.  She has a great home with plenty of bedrooms and a large sewing space where we can spread out and take over the place.  And since my family is spread across the state, her house is a great central location for all of us to meet at.  She also likes giving away her scraps from her overflowing bin.  We thought it would be funny to make a quilt out of all the scraps she has given us.  So we did! 

It's actually not 100% all her fabric, we had to make several additions from our own stashes.  It might actually be more like 50%...  The pattern is from a magazine.  Maybe Fons and Porter, I can't remember.  We used a packet of Thangles to make the HST, which worked out pretty slick! 

And I did another all-over spineless funky feather on it! 

A quilt back in the sun.  I'm pretty sure Teresa loves it!  Thanks for being such an excellent hostess!  Now, when are you going to have us over again?!


  1. Very nice, Jenny!
    I love using Thangles...

  2. Teresa really loves her quilt!
    - Mom

  3. Yes I do love my quilt! I love the pattern and how it looks like a stain glass window when you step back. I love the beautiful quilting! I love the memories it evokes of fun time sewing. P.W. my stash basket is over flowing! We need a quilt retreat after the first of the year! Teresa

  4. I guess you can't edit your posts. It should be P.S. Teresa

  5. You've started a tradition. Now you'll be given someone's scraps everywhere you go hee hee!
