
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Teresa's Science Fair Quilt

Teresa bought this kit at the AQS show a couple months ago and had it together in record time!  She sent me a few quilting ideas, but still left it up to me as to how to quilt it.  She liked a geometric/flower design, and how someone else's version quilted the negative space like it was a block.  A "ghost" block if you will.

Hmm.  OK.  I did a little more Internet image searching for ideas and came up with a bunch.  But I narrowed it down to 2 that I thought I could handle and loaded her up!

I just love how it turned out! 
(so I took lots of pictures!)

There's no real rhyme or reason as to what design went where.  (or IS there??  ha ha)  But I did more of the flower design since I was pretty confident she would like that design for sure. 

The angled edges were kinda tricky, but not too bad.  I pinned them down, then basted the edge with my longest stitch-  keeping it within a quarter inch from the edge.  That should help keep things together with attaching the binding too.

I used a silver colored Aurifil thread throughout the quilt.

I really enjoyed quilting this one Teresa! 


  1. The colors are so vivid! I love it!

  2. I have a quilt the same as this pattern waiting to be quilted for a client! Hers has a white bkgd tho. I had no idea how to quilt it! Did you do this all freehand? You did a great job!
