
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Christmas flannel quilt: Saved

Here is an 'In progress' shot of Joan's quilt.  This quilt was a little different in that it was one that had been tied several years ago, but several of the ties had come out and the batting was getting bunched up between the layers.  So Joan took it all apart, added a piece to the back to make it a little bigger for me and had me quilt it back together. 

This was an all flannel quilt.  The borders had shrunk more than the center and I had some excess fabric to contend with.  It was doable and I think it turned out great!

Swirls were perfect for the job as you can push the fabric one way and then the other so you don't get puckers.  Isn't this print cute?!  I'm glad I was able to help save your cuddly quilt Joan!

1 comment:

  1. What cute fabric and the swirls look like snow blowing.
    ~ Mom
