
Friday, June 20, 2014

Brenda's Cabin Tracks

Here's one my quilting team (Mom, me, sister, SIL) made for a cousin.  It is called 'Cabin Tracks'.  Oh the strip piecing in this one!  My mom and I pulled and cut fabrics one weekend for the cabin blocks and divied them out to everyone to work on before we got together a couple weeks later.  Then all we had to do was the sashings and borders.  No problem!  

I believe the sashing strips were cut 0.75 inches and the borders maybe 1.5.  Narrow!  We used up a lot of old, ugly fabric bits in this one.  Along with some pretty and new ones of course!  Lots of mindless sewing, which is just the ticket for this preggo-brain infected quilter these days :)  We didn't get it all together in one weekend, but we got all the little strips together and cut to size and were able to start sewing a few of them to the cabin blocks.  

I quilted an all-over feather in the center part, loops in the narrow black border, and a straight meander along the outer border.  

The back.  We gave it to our cousin over the weekend, and she loved it!  But she wasn't able to take it home with her yet- Mom wanted to enter in into a local quilt show coming up in a couple weeks.  Aren't we mean?

Mom says she would like to make another one to keep for herself one day...  uhhh.  Start cutting strips now!


  1. it is so awesome that you and your family can quilt together. i envy you!

  2. What are we going to do when we run out of relatives to make quilts for??
    ~ Mom
