
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back in the saddle

Carol made this super scrappy quilt with lots of HST's.  

I quilted a big free-flowing feather all over it in a cream thread.  

the back.

and here are my blocks for August do.good stitches group.  we had July off, but Sara posted her Aug. blocks a month early so we had lots of extra time to work on them.  With a newborn and a toddler in the house, that really worked out well in my favor.  Sara had us make 8 six inch pieced center string blocks using all kinds of scraps.  Scraps?  no problemo!

my blocks turned out pretty wild. 


  1. Glad to see you quilting again! You haven't lost your touch.

  2. Your quilting is fabulous, thank you for sharing the photos of Carol's quilt!
