
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Danielle's T-Shirt Quilt

Danielle just graduated high school and made this T-shirt quilt as a 4-H project.

I used a bright pink thread all over this one--her back was solid hot pink too. I just filled in with swirls and added a few details in the big blank spaces. (Pretty proud of that good lookin feather!)

The 'P' block was part of an elementary school project and so her blanket stitches were of that quality. So I made sure they were secure by quilting them on to stay for good.

Her zebra-striped border got a zebra-striped treatment as well.  Danielle loves her quilt and has also made a matching pillow too. She can't wait to use them at college this fall.

Thanks for the fun quilt Danielle!  Looking forward to seeing how it does at the county fair.

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty darn good looking feather! Another awesome job, Jenny!
