
Thursday, July 30, 2015

little twister

Norene made this twister quilt using up lots of scraps.

I wanted to do something different than her other twister quilts, but still ended up doing corner-to-corner in the pinwheels. That is just the simplest and easiest way to custom quilt them and still travel across and back without any stops that I could come up with. But I tried pebbles in the white this time. 

I think it turned out pretty cute.


Maybe you can see the quilting design on the back. Maybe.


  1. Nice quilting, but you're right it is hard to see the quilting in the photos. I also had trouble figuring out the scale of this quilt as there is nothing to gauge it by, LOL! But it is a really cute quilt and you did a great job on it!

  2. Makes me want to use my Twister ruler, if I can find it! Better finish a few other projects first before I start any more!
