
Thursday, January 14, 2016

butterflies and Oct. dgs

This was our block for October's Do.Good Stitches Haven circle. It is called all around the neighborhood. It turned out adorable! Take a peek.

Joyce made this adorable butterfly quilt. I had fun adding some details to the wings.

I tried a new border design. Kind of caterpillar-ish looking I thought.

Thanks Joyce!

I'm waaay behind in blog posts. Like a couple months. So I am trying to catch up so I can share more recent things. For a while there I was unable to upload pics from my camera, but have recently awarded myself with a MUCH needed laptop upgrade. Why did I wait so long to do it?  It's a night and day difference. So brace yourself for a post overload!

1 comment:

  1. The butterflys are so bright and pretty! I love the shaping on the wings that you did with the quilting, it really enhances the design. Don't worry about catching up, just move forward. Welcome back!
