
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Splendid Sampler blocks

Here are a few of my latest Splendid Sampler blocks.

Basket #18

measure twice, cut once. #19

This was a bonus block that came out on Easter. A bit intimidating to me as I have never done applique this intricate by hand. But it was too cute not to try and this project is all about learning new things and going a outside of our comfort zone.  It's just one 6 inch block and not a whole queen sized quilt. I can do this! (right?) I had to break out of my 30's fabrics with the bunnies. I just couldn't do a pink bunny with little kids playing on it!

#21-This is the candy block.  I love those strawberry candies where the wrapper looks like a strawberry, so that was what I was going for with this one. This simple block was very welcomed after a few intricate ones.

Another bonus block--Earth Day!  I machine appliqued this one. ;) I even tilted it on it's axis.

Block #16 Pieces of Friendship

Block #15-This one was paper pieced. I love this block design!  We are officially 1/4 of the way through as block #26 was just posted today. A Dresden! You can find all the block patterns here.

I attended a baby shower a couple weeks ago where we all got henna tattoos. Kinda looks like a quilting design! I've never gotten a henna tattoo before (or a regular tattoo for that matter.) and it was kinda fun!  It's been a couple of weeks now and it has pretty much faded into my freckled oblivion.  But I sure enjoyed it while it lasted!

1 comment:

  1. Your blocks are beautiful and there are so many of them! Thanks for the close up photos so that we can really appreciate the fabrics.
