
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

DGS- Homebase

Finally done! I was in charge of May's do.Good Stitches quilt for our Haven circle. This pattern is called 'Homebase' from Blossom Heart Quilts blog. I had the gals use grays, whites and a light and dark of a bright color for the diamonds.

quilting it was pretty fun too.

I considered adding a border, but ended up leaving it as is.

the frames matched up really well for how many different sewers were involved in this. Haven-ites are awesome that way!

I bound it with the same backing fabric. I had some experts help me with that decision.

I should add that my MIL also helped by hand stitching the binding on for me.  She was glad to do it and I was glad to have it completed that much quicker so I could send it on to Redeemed Ministries in Round Rock Texas. Many hands were involved with this awesome quilt. Thanks to all!