
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Joan's wallhanging and SS

Joan made this lovely wallhanging. I know it's hard to see but there are scallops along the border.

I quilted paisleys all over in a matching gold thread.

The back.

And I thought I would share a few more of my Splendid Sampler blocks.

Love this one!

I put batting under the frosting, mostly so what was beneath it didn't show through, but it also really looks like fluffy frosting.

As of right now I'm all caught up but for a couple applique blocks that are going to take a long while. And a bonus block that came out yesterday, and block 70 that just came out this morning.  And I have even made some progress on an old UFO I started a couple years ago. Who knows, I might just finish a project this year!


  1. Nice quilting job, and congratulations for keeping up with your sew along. The cupcake is the cutest!
