
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sharon's charity auction quilt

Sharon purchased this quilt at a craft retreat for a great deal. The top was together already and basted into a quilt sandwich.  The previous owner had begun hand quilting with a pretty silvery dark gray embroidery thread along the rows. Just one or two rows.  Sharon thought it would be a great item to put onto our local church picnic auction and asked if I would quilt it and she would bind and finish it.

I agreed to it, of course. I took out the basting and loaded it so the already hand quilted lines were parallel with my loading bars.  That way the hand quilted lines would be less threatening and I could leave them in.

From there I decided on a geometric design for the squares.  They are actually a printed panel and not pieced together.  You can see a bit of the hand quilting here in the horizontal rows.

In the borders I did a funky feather and leaves in the smaller one. I would have preferred the panel was trimmed so that the squares didn't have those little partial bits on the sides, but ah well. A little curve there was all it took. 

I created a little cardboard square template out of a cereal box to mark those center points in the squares. Worked pretty slick!

Over all it was a fun quilt to do despite it being already sandwiched and partially hand quilted. 
Thanks Sharon!

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