
Friday, January 4, 2019

Fall raffle quilt

This quilt was made for a charity auction for a special lady. Our elementary school secretary who had just recently completed cancer treatments contracted West Nile virus. For a normal healthy person West Nile is not a big deal, but to one with a compromised immune system it is a very serious and more difficult journey to overcome. If you are lucky. So naturally our little school rallied and organized a benefit breakfast - silent auction -bake sale -quilt raffle event. 

So when a couple of the faculty who happened to also be quilters decided to put together a quilt to raffle and asked it I could quilt it up quick, I said 'of course'! 

They went with a fall theme with the fabrics-her favorite! I had just completed this quilt by Lois which was very similar, and we decided to quilt it about the same way. 

I used a variegated thread that was gold/orange/brown. I actually ran out of it about 2/3rds of the way into the LAST pass! Ordering another spool was not an option with our time crunch, so I had a bit of gold thread I put on. Ran out of that! Then I put on an orange or a brown I can't remember now, and finished it up. Good thing with the variegated thread colors and the colors of the blocks, it's not very noticeable unless you go looking for it. :)

Lots of freestyle swirling, twirling leaves! I used about every leaf shape I can quilt into it.

The light gold marbled back was a perfect opportunity to show off the quilting with a dark brown bobbin thread.

Love how it turned out! The benefit was a HUGE success too. Unbelievable the number of people who came to help support! Happy to be a small part of it.

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