
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Vicky's T-shirt Quilt

Vicky made this great big T-shirt quilt for a relative. This one was different than most of the T-shirt quilts I've quilted in that it was made with all knit t-shirt fabric, with NO interfacing. The only regular quilting fabric she used was for the edging, which she stitched in with a narrow 1/8th inch seam allowance. This was to help keep it from stretching and distorting as I quilted it.  This border would be trimmed off and the narrow seam allowance would be contained in the binding. This was all done according to the pattern she was following. 

I was a bit leery of it, thinking I'd have a ton of puckers and distortion to deal with. But, I didn't. Not a one. 😀

I did what I usually do on a t-shirt quilt, which is to outline the designs and fill in the rest with a few different designs. 

I used a light grey thread.

I love the almost 25 year old high school shirts. Mine (that I still have) are about the same age, but are not in any sort of shape to be made into a cherished quilt.

I think that this quilt just goes to show that when it comes to t-shirt quilts, or any quilt really, there really is no right or wrong way to make it. As long as you know of the potential issues and accommodate them in some way. It's just fine. 

I'm not saying that every block is perfectly straight and square, but it's not bad at all.

The black backing with light grey thread.

Thanks Vicky!

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