
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Embroidered Sunbonnet Sue

You guys! It's 2022! Each year I quilt more than the year before, and 2021 was no exception. The grand total was 156 quilts- 6 more than 2020. That's 3 quilts per week! At some point the number is going to plateau around this amount, but for now, I'll just keep pushing. I think the goal for this year is 160, but I'll be happy with 157.

That being said- The blog is sooo far behind. I'm still posting quilts from last April. It's January. lol. I just can't keep up here. So, I think the compromise between writing a nice little post explaining what I did and where, and not doing it at all is to just do a photo dump style and let the pictures do all the talking. Maybe a quick sentence so I have keywords to search for personal reference purposes. Which, honestly is the only reason I bother with the blog anyways. 

Diane brought me this red-work embroidered Sunbonnet Sue quilt that I custom quilted. Love how she put it all together!

Happy Quilting in 2022 everyone!


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