
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Sadie's Row Challenge

Back in 2008, my mom, sister, and I decided it would be fun to do a row challenge where each person would make a row of blocks in whatever theme they wanted, and each month we would pass it on until we all got our rows back ready to be put into a quilt.

So, we roped a few family and friends into joining along. This is one of them! This is from Anne, my SIL to be given to her daughter who was in Kindergarten at the time.

Well, Sadie is graduating from high school this year, so what better motivation to get this quilt completed. 

The row I made was the kites.

It was a lot of fun to revisit this project we did ages ago. It was also pretty fun to quilt too!
Congrats Sadie on your graduation, and to Anne for completing this quilt project. I believe it was her first quilt, so a big project to tackle for a beginner for sure.

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