
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pieced Scrap Border quilt, an insane project, and a blizzard

Here is my pieced borders quilt top.  I used (gasp!) an old white sheet.  Its the first time I've used a sheet in a quilt. 

Then my mom pulls out this quilt that she started 30 plus years ago, when she was still single.  Seem similar??  Kinda weird!!

Except her version makes mine look pretty simplified.  Each side of the hexagon has to be lined up and sewn individually.  Thats pretty much the reason why this project is still unfinished.  (And mine is NOT!  ha ha.)  The fabrics are scraps from jackets, dresses, and various things she had made.  She also used a white sheet.  This is authentic vintage fabric people!  :) 

She's had all the pieces cut out and ready to go.  I helped by sewing in 3 hexagons and then I'd had enough.  She has made it a goal to add 1 hexagon a day in the hopes to finish it in a year!  Good luck Mom--We are going to hold you to it!

And this is what it looks like outside today.  This picture actually does not do justice to the howling wind and swirling blinding snow going on out there.  We are currently under a blizzard warning. 


  1. I love the quilts! Your mom's quilt will be beautiful when it's finished.

    It's not blizzarding here yet, but we are told it will be sometime today. It is very cold out, that's for sure!

  2. I REALLY like your quilt top. I noticed it in the previous post.

  3. they say like mother like daughter,they are both so pretty ,your moms is an authentic vintage type like colonial women made from various clothes and acraps from projects , I think you shoul help out your mommy finish it quicker so she can enjoy it,xoxo theodora

  4. You left out that you and Mom had even used some pieces of the same fabric. That says a lot!

  5. This is Jenny's mother... I started my quilt in 1975 over Christmas break from college (Iowa State U.) It never dawned on me that we were making similar quilts until Jenny noticed it! Quilting back in the 70's was just starting to make a comeback and sheets were a low cost way to get a bunch of fabric. Now, they are taboo - but I bet the sheet part of the quilt will last longer than the printed fabric! I haven't quite kept to my one hexagon a day plan (I've only added about 10 since our weekend), but after the holidays hopefully I'll get into a routine.

  6. Okay I love both quilts.....but the hexagon quilt.....is the pattern your own or did it come out of a book? This would be awesome in saturated colors like Kaffe prints!!I would love to make one......
