
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

UFO Extravaganza!

Over Thanksgiving weekend my mom, sister and I had a UFO Extravaganza!  We got so much done that we had to arrange this photo.  We tallied up over 20 projects that we worked on.  Some were almost done when we brought them, others were both started and finished (like the quilt top on the left and the sweatpants), and then a few were just started and not quite finished (like the paper dolls- we ran out of fusible web).  We're pretty proud of ourselves nonetheless. 

Notice my pieced square border top is done!  *on the right*  I'll post a better picture once I get one taken of it during the daylight; which means this weekend.  These short days are getting old in a hurry. 


  1. Hi Jenny wow!! 20 projects you guys did great I work on one per day and if I get it done ,I always finish one and start 3 ,Your quilt is real pretty ,but I have a problem right now with my screen it's pinkish I googled it and it means that it's had it so I gotta start looking for one ,happy holidays ,xoxo theodora

  2. yes, 20 projects completed was quite a dent, but I do believe there are plenty more UFO's to be completed. hmm, like Chistmas gifts...wait, I havent actually started those yet... :) And then I need to quilt some of those quilt tops as well. so they went off of someone else's to do list and onto mine!

    Good luck finding a new computer screen Theodora!
