
Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Gifts

The rest of my handmade gifts were given this weekend, so now I can now officially share what I made with everyone.  These two little hooligans were made for my litle niece and nephew.  My little niece calls her dolly the "excited baby with the pretty hair"   :)

And then I made 2 more of these Christmas Star table toppers.  They all are the same block and quilting design, but the fabrics were different in each one. 


  1. I can attest to the fact that the dollies are way cuter in person than they are in pictures!! - Mom

  2. The "excited" pretty haired dolly has been upgraded. The other dolls she has are all called "baby". This one is "MY dolly"... She's been on a lot of stroller rides around the kitchen loop this week :)
