
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Quilty Goals for 2011

Everyone seems to be sharing thier goals for 2011.  I've been thinking about mine and have decided on a few. 

1. Quilt 1 quilt a week!  That's about 20 more than last year.  Yikes!  But I think that if I actually have enough quilts to quilt, I can do it!

2.  Paint our kitchen and dining room.

3. Make a table runner to match new color of kitchen and dining room.  By May.

4. Join and create something in an exchange group.  If you see something come up, let me know.  I always seem to find out about these groups well after they start. 

I think that's enough to keep me busy for the year.  I dont want to overdo it!

So this is what I'm working on this week, quilt #2!!


  1. Great goals! If you are interested, this swap is still open: http://www.flickr.com/groups/modernswappers/

    It is my first time participating in this swap, but everything look awesome for past swap rounds.

    Can't wait to see more of you in 2011! :)

  2. Well, I have some quilt tops to contribute to your quilt-a-month goal :)


  3. Megan- I signed up for the swap! That's one thing i can cross off the list. well, maybe just mentally until I actually make the swap. :)

    Karen- Great! Cant wait to see what you've got for me!

    Osito1663-whatever that means :)- got the thread last Mon. its done and outta here!
