
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One Christmas Gift Done!

I have been doing some Christmas gift sewing lately, as I'm sure most of you have been too.  Most of my little projects I will have to post later.  Don't want any spoiling going on!  But here is one that I can share.  I made a little bag for our niece using a piece of vinyl/cloth stuff. 
And I even put in a recessed zipper!  And check out my snazzy zipper pull.  Those poor square beads have been waiting since the early '90's to be re-purposed from old stretched out hair-ties.  All those years in a button jar have finally paid off!  The colors matched perfectly! 
Inside are the real goods.  I'm kinda clueless as to what  9-year-old girls are into these days.  But I happened upon a Scholastic book fair at the local library and found this passbook thingy that looked pretty fun.  You pass it to all your friends and classmates and there are tons of fun little things to fill out like your favorite books, websites, and songs, and goofy stories you might have about the books owner.  And how fun is that mustache pencil-topper eraser?!

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