
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

QCR QAL #3: Rail Fence blocks

Block #3 in the Quick Curve Ruler Quilt-A-Long: Rail Fence!  I made this block while visiting my folks for Thanksgiving, which means I totally raided Mom's Kaffe stash!  (it was her idea!) 
I was curious how the units would look turned this way.  I like it!  But Mom voted for the suggested layout and I obliged. 

So this is my scrappy version. 
(no fingers were injured in the making of this block)
The other version I made back at home, but not without some "help".  My little guy likes to sit on my lap and help me sew.  He even runs the backstitch!  (usually where it's not necessary...)  And he likes to pull pins and is really good at finding the seam ripper and my sharp scissors.  Oof.  Gotta stay alert with this kiddo!  If I can sew these curves with a squirmy 11 month old on my lap, anyone can do it!
Not quick enough with the camera...
The "official" version.
And here's everybody together so far!  Top row is my "official version" and the bottom is the "scrappy practice version".  Lookin good!  I am just LOVING this QAL.  Rumor has it the next block we are "curving it up" is the 4-patch.  Hmmm.  Can't wait to see it and make it!
You can see everyone else's blocks in the Flickr group.  There are links to all the tutorials there too!


  1. I never did get the ruler :( I bought yarn instead and decided I needed to not be so 'extravagant'.
    The 'official' version is going to turn out wonderful. The fabrics are really pretty for this week's block. Did you use a bundle or just your stash?

  2. Love them all, they look great!
