
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Baby quilt for Angus

My sister had a little boy last summer and of course I had to make him a quilt! I used a few of my 10 inch improv pieced red squares and made them into a large churn-dash block. 

And I got all fancy-pants with the quilting. Much like these two I made before. Only this time I doubled up on the batting. Two layers of Hobbs 80/20.

One block had a couple white pieces in it so I quilted in his baby stats.

As I was doing the last bit of quilting, my son (6) wanted to 'help'.  So I let him quilt the red blocks.  I was nervous that he would venture out into the white areas, and he did a tiny bit a couple times, but I ripped those parts out and all is good.

I am happy to report that baby Angus likes his quilt and lays on it frequently. 

If you like the scrappy improv blocks in this quilt, you can check out more baby quilt adventures:

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