This quilt has a bit of a story behind it. One day my mom, sister and I thought it would be fun to do a row exchange where each person involved makes a row, then each month passes it on to the next person on the list. They add a row to it, and pass it onto the next lady and so on. Then at the end of it all you get all your rows back and -surprise! Look at what everyone made for you!
So we duped some friends and relations into joining in. 8 of us in all. Each person had a bit of a theme. One had Christmas, another 4th of July, one had a little girl theme, another was countries they had traveled to... A couple of us sent fabric they wanted us to use, others said use whatever you have that will go with.
Aunt Diane's theme was Summer. I had fun custom quilting each row.
Of course I had to do a row of feathers :)
This row is the coolest!
This row had a swirling water theme.
This was the row I did- Flip Flops! It's not summertime unless you've got on some flip-flops.
This was a lot of fun to receive a new set of rows to work with each month and see what the quilters did previously. But it was also challenging to come up with a block to go with the theme. I'm really glad we did it, but I don't think we will be doing it again anytime soon!
My row quilt is still in rows in a box. Maybe this winter I will figure out how I want to put it all together. Maybe...