Here it is! My Do. Good Stitches Haven group quilt for December. I had the gals make a super simple block for December- since it is such a busy month. I said to just sew random strips together into a 12.5 inch block, but to keep warm and cool colors separate. I had no real plan as to how I was going to put the blocks together, but this layout got in my head, and I made it work. I tried to have it go from reds in one corner, to blues in the opposite corner. Now that it's finished, WHY didn't I move that one pink-ish block to the other corner to make it nice and balanced?? Oh well!

When quilting a charity quilt, I just want to do something simple and quick and get it done and move on. But at the same time, I also want to try out something new, experiment a little, or practice a design to get better at it. So, I ended up doing a simple loop meander in the wide border and something new in the orange. I saw this rick-rack design in a
post by Kathy and thought it not only looked really neat, but simple to do. I love it! I have since done a few more borders this way.
I had the idea of quilting the warm colored blocks a different texture than the cools. So I did a large McTavish-ish thing in the warms, and a paisley swirl in the cools. It didn't contrast like I somehow thought it would. Pointy swirls and pointy swooshes are pretty similar in texture I found out. Quilting fail.
The back.
Our snazzy label.
All quilts must be walked and spun around on by my little guy before they go home :) I tried to keep the quilt gender neutral, although there is quite a bit of pink in there. It could still go either way I think.
(sorry my pics are not oriented the right way. I'm a terrible and lazy blogger!)
Here was February's X + block. Did I share this already?? I think I did...
Well, I know I haven't shared this one! Just as I get one quilt completed, it's my turn again! This time it's a little more tricky. But not too tricky. This block is called Honeycomb and you can find Marla's tutorial
here. It is really easy to make although you do paper piece the corner units. But it is super easy paper piecing, so it's not scary at all. I'm having the gals use mostly pinks, greens, yellow and oranges and using a fun print in the center. And a white solid or white on white for the background.
I really love the look of this block and I think it will be fun to quilt too! I always have that in the back of my mind when I pick out these DGS blocks.
I'm the ding-dong who put the web address in the wrong place :) #23.