This is Rita's Double Irish chain quilt. Love these colors.
I decided on c2c in the chain part and went with this swirly feather motif in the centers.
More feathers in the border.

This was the quilt where halfway through my machine took another dump on me. The buttons started to malfunction and would beep at me all the time, the tension was all over the place, and I was beyond frustrated! Long story short--I ended up taking it back to Nolting (a 4 hr drive) where they determined it was my motor. It was burnt out! They got it replaced and back in working order in a couple hours. I barely had time to eat lunch and find a quilt shop! They were able to look up who actually built my machine, and it happened to be the same guy working on it that day! I thought that was pretty cool. He was also the same guy who worked on it a month earlier when I had a new bushing put in. When I showed up at the shop he said 'Hey, I remember you!' So after 2 trips to the factory within a month, I should be set to go for a LOOOONG time! I sure hope so because it is not exactly cheap to get it fixed. It also didn't help that I got a speeding ticket in the mail after the first trip. ouch. (You're welcome Cedar Rapids!) So I made super sure I stayed under the limit this time! I didn't care if everyone flew past me, I was not getting another one!

Motors usually last 10-20 years. My machine was born in 2009 so it didn't quite make it to 10 years. But in the 4.5 years I have owned it I have quilted 500 quilts on it!
Despite all my troubles with my machine, I still like how this quilt turned out, even after having to rip out several spots and fix areas with terrible tension.
It ended up turning out nice, but was very glad when this quilt finally went home with Rita!