This quilt was one my family made together for my cousin once removed, or my Mom's grand-nephew/Wade's great-aunt. Or, just Wade. 😁 I had to look up the official terms, but this is for Wade who just graduated high school.
But, in all actuality, I think my Mom made about over 90% of it herself. This pattern is a Disappearing Pinwheel variation using 10" squares-a layer cake plus some of her stash. Wade is a pretty tall dude.
I quilted the outer border in a wheatgrass design and all-overed the rest with half feathers, leaves, swirls and other various things.

A peek at the back. A leftover block that ended up too small for the front and a strip of extra stacked coins tie it all together nicely.
Love how it turned out Mom! We have a few years (I think!) before the next one graduates on that side of the family, but then several of my cousins hit a baby boom, so we might have to get a head start on those!
Any reason to get together and sew, we'll gladly take it! We have so much fun making them.