Norene wanted a thin summer blanket, brought me two queen size pieces of fabric, and had me quilt them together: NO batting! Black on bottom, white fabric on top. Oof.
I used white thread for top and bobbin, did lots of tension adjusting, and quilted it up. This is a look of it from the underside of my longarm- the light shining through.
So, yes, it can be done! It doesn't matter if I like it or not. (tbh, I don't really like the look or feel of no-batting quilts) But if that's what you want, I'll quilt it for you :)
And THIS happened! Sharon entered her Mineral Matrix quilt that I quilted last winter into the Iowa State Fair, and it won her category!! It was even displayed in the winner's room with the best of the best. This is a first for both of us. So awesome!
post is here if you need to see it up close. I think you do.
And then THIS happened! Jessica designed a quilt and it was published in an APQ 2022 calendar! It arrived a few days before finding out about Sharon's prize quilt. So I was feeling pretty good there last August.

My name was included down in the fine print. I'm in a calendar! ha ha!
I guess I
already posted about this last year, in real-time. Not the delayed slow-poke mode the rest of the quilts are in. Spoiler alert: Jessica is going to have two quilts in the next calendar! Anyways, my quilters are awesome.