Hmm. What did I make here?? What could possible be rolled up in there?
Colored Pencils?!! Neat!
I've made a few of these before but it had been a while since I made the last one. And it showed. It took me about twice as long to make it because I kept goofing up. First I forgot to add the piece for the pocket, and then when I got two-thirds of the way done with the quilting/pocket-making part I realized that my tension on the back was terrible! So there was plenty of seam ripping to be had. But it is a pretty simple project to make and its always fun to sort through your stash to find the perfect matching colors.
The pattern for this project is in the book Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. I don't know about you, but for me it is kinda hard to find 24 packs of colored pencils most of the year. Back to school time is the best time to find them, so I bought an extra set to have ready to go whenever I make another one of these.
I wish Blogger would let you crop pictures. I never get to it before I upload my photos. Then I'm too lazy to go back and edit and reload them. So you will just have to deal with my crabgrass. :)