Hello! I thought that since I just barely squeeked in my entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival, I would come back and edit my post with a little intro. I'm Jenny. I live in Iowa. I'm a SAHM for two little ones full time, a part time longarm quilter, and many other things I guess, but this blog is just about my longarm quilting and sewing projects. Check it out. Say hello. Move on. :)
I FINALLY finished it! I started this quilt over 2 years ago. (previous post here.) I'm calling it 'Crazy Pipe Dream". I got the top together within a couple months, but then it sat in my cupboard for over a year waiting patiently for a lull in my client quilts to be quilted. I don't know if I ever got a 'lull', but I got to a point where there were only a few quilts that were in no hurry, so I put it on quick!
The main reason I think it was on the back-burner for so long was that I didn't know how to quilt it. I wanted to do something custom, but had a really hard time coming up with a design that would connect all the gray areas without having to SID through the little squares too much. I even posted it into the 'how should I quilt this' FB group. They had some good ideas, but when it came right down to it--this quilt is huge (93 by 79) and custom quilting all those little squares seemed really daunting and monotonous. (The little colored squares are 1 inch and the grays are 2 and 3 inches btw.) So, I decided to save the fancy custom quilting job for another quilt and just quilt every design I could think of all over the darn thing!
So thats what I did! and it was so FUN! Once I made that decision, it was like a big weight was off my shoulders. Just scribble everywhere! I did do a few fancy custom blocks in there though. And I like them all. I don't know how I could have picked just one.
Yeah, it's pretty wild in there!
I love all the bright colors.
I even let my little guy try out the longarm for the first time. He loved it, and now wants to 'help' quilt every quilt. Uhh, maybe next time kiddo...
there's his handiwork down through the center here. I even quilted each of my family member's names in it. Somewhere.
And here is the back. I made it to look like one of the blocks because my backing wasn't quite big enough. So I added these 10 inch squares and it came out just right. I centered it as best I could and it came out pretty close. I finally have one of my WIP's crossed of the list. 1 down, 10 more to go!
Thanks for stopping by, for those visiting from the Blogger's Quilt Festival. ( got this entered juuusst in time!) Come back any time.